CropBytes Rewind 2020

CropBytes Rewind 2020

A look at the major milestones we’ve accomplished this year Hey Farmers 🚜 We hope you are enjoying the holiday season playing & earning on your farm. It’s almost time to bid farewell to 2020, although we have a lot to look forward to for the next year. We’ve...
Celebrate the holiday season with CropBytes 🍻

Celebrate the holiday season with CropBytes 🍻

Enjoy the winter in the virtual world with a new snow theme packed with live snow❄️ decorations πŸŽ„β˜ƒοΈ a snowman & more πŸŽ… What more? A special Christmas Event where you can unlock an interactive 3D skin for your Highland Cow πŸ„ Terms πŸ“œ Complete 10 referrals to unlock...
Withdrawal Terms | CropBytes

Withdrawal Terms | CropBytes

Withdraw funds from your CropBytes account | Terms You can withdraw TRX, CBX & USDT from CropBytes to any wallet that supports the token type. Currency Token SpecificationNetworkTRXTRC-20TronCBXERC-20EthereumUSDTERC-20Ethereum To withdraw Funds from your...
Month in Review | Nov 2020

Month in Review | Nov 2020

What happened at CropBytes in November 2020 Hey Farmers 🚜 Hope you are having a great time playing and earning on CropBytes. The year 2020 went by so quickly we are already down to the last few weeks! With the onset of the bull run & BTC reaching its all-time...