CropBytes Roadmap Q3 2023

We are thrilled to bring you the Roadmap for the third quarter of 2023. As we navigate our way into the second half of this exciting year, our commitment to offering you an exceptional virtual farming experience remains stronger than ever.

Our Q3 2023 roadmap is rooted in four key pillars of development: New Features, Gameplay and Economic Optimizations, Improved User Experience, and Game Architecture improvements.

New Game Features

Dynamic Asset Output: Ever wondered what it would be like to predict the weather? Well, we can’t help you with that, but we’re infusing CropBytes with a dash of reality with this new feature. Expect the unexpected as the output from your croplands, trees, wind turbines, wells and other production assets will depend on various factors.

This added unpredictability promises to make the gaming strategy more engaging and rewarding. This new feature is aimed at furthering the value of your assets and ensuring stable and elastic (regulated) supply for some of the items in the game.

Added Utility for Pro Assets: All generations of Superheroes will be able to use their abilities to increase productivity of Croplands, Wells, etc by assigning them to the production of an asset. And the concept of Fertilizer will be introduced bringing more utility to Regular Animals and Pro Animals along with this update. Fertilizers will be collected from animal sheds through a new gameplay. Fertilizers or Superheroes can be used to amplify the production. Curious about how this will work exactly? Well you need to hold on till we release that information.

Harvest time Update: We heard you! Your time is valuable, and we want you to make the most of it. Get ready to see your crops flourishing quicker than ever and your wells replenishing faster!

CB Army App: To augment the experience of our CB Army soldiers, we will be releasing a dedicated Web App. It promises an easier enrollment process, better task management, and more opportunities to earn rewards. It’s a salute to our dedicated CB Army Soldiers.

Whack a mole minigame: In the spirit of expanding the service economy feature, we will introduce a new “Whack a Mole” minigame. Just like the Seeding Minigame, this new game will also be used for some upcoming features. And till that happens, get ready to take a break, unwind, and whack some virtual moles!

Player XP System (Lite): It’s not about the destination, but the journey. And we’re ensuring your journey from a farming newbie to a seasoned pro is full of rewarding milestones. Watch out for our ‘Player XP System’ – a new way to level up your CropBytes experience!

Please note that this is not to be confused with CB XPs which is a community rewards token. To dissolve the confusion, we will be re-branding the CB XPs tokens.

Gameplay & Economic Optimizations

Sculpting the Economic Landscape: From deflationary supply protocol for Pro Animal Mining and Superhero Breeding to the tokenization of Pro Assets and Consumables like Water, Feed, Power, etc. We’re setting the stage for long-term value retention and stability. Oh, and did you think we forgot about ‘Spin the Wheel’, it’s about to be better than ever.

Sprucing Up the User Experience: We’re revamping locations around your farm, including the CBX Station, Jobs Board, Assets Barn, and many more. Plus, you’ll see a new Game Lobby, improved Settings Page, and more streamlined navigation.

Strengthening the Game Architecture: Behind the scenes, we’re continuously enhancing the stability and capacity of our game. Expect fewer bugs, no downtime, faster transactions, quicker withdrawals and deposits, and expedited patching of new updates.


As we move ahead, we want you to know that your feedback, enthusiasm, and unwavering support continue to be our driving force. We’re excited for the incredible journey that Q3 2023 promises to be. So, grab your virtual farming hats, and let’s continue sowing the seeds of success together!

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