Part 1:
Support System – Check out the updated FAQs page to get answers to common queries. In case you do not find a solution on the FAQs page, speak to the mods and admins in the #raise-a-query channel on Discord. If you still do not find a solution, you can raise a ticket here: https://support.cropbytes.com/support/home
CB Army – We are doing regular calls with the Army leaders. Based on feedback, we have changed army rewards from P1 assets to CBX and other tradable assets. An all-new CB Army structure will be implemented soon. Sign up for the CB Army and get your friends and family to join in. The new structure will be more rewarding and more exciting.
Tradathon – Farmer with the highest volume of trades in the CBX / USDT market will win the event. There will also be 5 lucky winners. To qualify for the contest, farmers should have completed trades totaling at least 5000 CBX.
Part 2: #ShowYourFarm
Farmer Kenny took the attendees through his farm and profit calculator sheet. Kenny also explains his strategy to grow a farm on CropBytes.
Part 3: Top questions from the community
1. When will all the TRX -> CBX markets migration be completed?
Answer: We are intentionally retaining a few TRX markets and the migration will be completed soon.
2. How long does it take for a 2FA rest?
Answer: A 2FA reset takes 14 days as the team needs to follow security procedures like account and identity verification. It is advisable to generate a recovery key before setting up two-factor authentication. In case your access gets compromised and you can’t log in, it’s important that you have saved your recovery key.
3. Why is grinding taking so long?
Answer: The grind queue is a part of the gameplay and is based on demand and supply which changes according to farmer activity. However, we do understand that waiting can be frustrating! To address this concern, we will make adjustments to improve wait times through mill boosts after a certain point when queues become long. There is a dedicated team closely watching the mills to make quick adjustments when required.
4. When will the PVP mini-games be released?
Answer: We have a team working on implementing the PVP functionality in the Fishing Mini-Game. It will be complete by Q1 2022 according to the roadmap.
5. How can we prevent funds from getting locked up when attempting a transfer.
Answer: When you’ve entered the address and amount, be sure to double-check that it’s been entered correctly as this is where many mistakes are made. Make sure to use the correct tokens and networks before proceeding. We will soon also disable wrong withdrawals on the web app as implemented on the mobile app.
Part 4: What’s coming!
Stay tuned for a release with many updates and improvements. The release will include USDT portfolio value, added panels to make more information available to farmers, redesigned shop interface, functionality for the drone billboard, CBX unlock screen in the mobile app.
The team is working closely with Polygon for faster and cheap CBX transfers through cross-chain integration.
Part 5:
🥳Community Giveaway List🥳
Congratulations to all those who have made it to the list this week.
⭐Event: CBBlogathon
🎁Rewards: Small Well
To read the blogs written by the winning farmers, click on their names.
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Are Crypto games worth it? Yes, they are, if they have a sustainable economy and do not run on hype and short-term goals.