Introducing the farm bell. 🔔
Now earn secret rewards in the form of scratch cards!
Click the bell on your farm

The My Bell tab show you your unique code, which can be coppied and shared with your friends

Here you can enter a friends bell code and click ring to ring their bell.

The Gift section is where you will see all the scratch cards you have earned. Click on the scratch card to reveal & claim the prize’s

The Rings tab shows the players who rang your bell.

 The leader board shows top earning players!

🔔Player must perform atleast one activity on Cropbytes farm app to ring friend bell.
🔔 Player activities are starting a crop, harvesting a crop, grinding a crop, feeding animals, purchase over asset/GC trading, GC conversion to assets vice-versa,
Package purchase.
🔔Player can ring maximum 8 bells in a day.
🔔Player can ring a friend’s bell only once any day.
🔔Player can ring any friend’s bell maximum 3 times during this event.
🔔Player gets 1 scratch card for every 3 rings to their bell.
🔔Scratch cards contain gifts worth of 1 TRX to 10000TRX.
🔔Player can scratch maximum 6 gift cards on any day.
🔔Cropbytes has all rights to take any action on players if players are found violating terms.