Decentralization is a process, rather than an end in itself. While CropBytes utilizes blockchain technology, we ensure that the user experience remains familiar, much like traditional games.
Our ultimate goal is to consistently integrate new technologies while providing an exceptional user experience and all the advantages of web3 technology. The inclusion of CropBytes assets on Polygon represents another milestone in this direction.
Know the launch process
Phase 1: Assets will be on Polygon and you will be able to deposit these assets into the game. Check out the steps involved in doing this.
Step 1 – Assets will be minted on-chain on 13th March.
Step 2 – On 21st March, we will have a maintenance break to implement the changes. Trading will be paused briefly. Asset Mining will be paused. During the maintenance period, the team will integrate the minted assets into the game. Starter packs will also be disabled until further notice.
Step 3 – Trading will be re-enabled by 29th March.
Step 4 – Asset Mining will be re-enabled by 30th March approx.
Step 5 – The Asset Supply tracker page is estimated to go live before 6th April.
Step 6 – The date for Enabling Deposits and Withdrawals of Assets will be announced soon, we’re trying to do this by 2nd week of April.
We are collaborating with Dapps (Marketplaces, Liquidity Pools, Etc) where you can trade CB Assets. Check out the CropBytes collection on OpenSea & Nifty Swap.
CropBytes Assets Contract: 0x37FC4b48CE93469dbEA9918468993C735049642a
List of assets to be tokenized in Phase 1:

Phase 2: We are eager to announce the next steps in our pipeline. Following Phase 1, our team is working diligently to send Pro Animals, Superheroes, House, and other assets to Polygon.
Stay tuned for more updates.
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